SSS 2023 Preliminary Program Now Available!

SSSers- We are excited to announce that the preliminary program is now available on the SSS website! You can view it by clicking here. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the SSS Program Committee for their hard work on pulling together this program. It takes a SSS community to … Read more

Happy New Year SSS!

Acceptance Emails, Memberships, and Booking Your Room for SSS 2023 Dear SSS Members, 2023 is upon us! Happy New Year! The new membership year began on January 1st, 2023. As such, it is now time for you to renew your membership for 2023 membership cycle. SSS membership is crucial to the running of the society. … Read more

Opportunities for Exhibiting, Advertising, and Engaging at SSS 2023

Good day SSSers. I would like for you to consider the ways you can make your work, your programs, and your organizations visible at SSS 2023. There are a variety of ways, and, indeed, we are always open to new ideas and working with members, their publishers, and a myriad of organizations. Tabling/Exhibiting/Advertising at SSS … Read more

SSS 2023: Deadline Extended!

SSSers- As the deadline for submitting abstracts and panels for our annual meeting in Myrtle Beach approaches, we are excited by the response to President Earl Wright II’s theme of ““I Will Find A Way or Make One”: Embracing and Advancing the American South’s Tradition of Sociological Innovation and Scholar-Activism”! We recognize that organizing sessions … Read more

Call for the next SSS Executive Officer

The Southern Sociological Society (SSS) seeks an innovative, organized, and experienced leader to serve as its next Executive Officer. Established in 1935, SSS promotes rigorous research, excellence in teaching and mentoring, and collegiality. As the nation’s largest regional organization of professional sociologists, SSS membership includes a cross-section of academia like small and community colleges, historically … Read more

SSS Election Nominations

SSS’ers, The Southern Sociological Society (SSS) is seeking nominees for the elected positions of President, Vice President, Executive Committee (2), Publications Committee (2), and J.E.D.I (2) To qualify for these positions the candidate must have been a dues-paying member of SSS 2 of the last 4 membership years. Any member of SSS, after first contacting … Read more

Call for the next SSS Executive Officer

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TSS Volume 54, Number 1 is out now!

Hello everyone and happy Monday! We hope you are having an enjoyable summer. The TSS team, led by editor Nadya Vera, has been hard at work putting together an excellent issue that includes: a letter from SSS President Earl Wright II a teaching corner article on teaching during COVID an interview with SWS-S You can … Read more

SSS 2022 is One Week Away – Here is Everything You Need To Know

How amazing that in just one week we will be gathering in Birmingham, AL to have our first in-person meeting since spring of 2019. Unbelievable, actually, but oh so exciting! This announcement contains the basics that everyone should know as we all make our final preparations for SSS 2022.   This note contains information on: … Read more

Final program now available for SSS 2022!

Dear SSS Members, We are pleased to announce that the SSS 2022 final program is now available on our website! The final program is saved in .pdf format, so it can be searched using the search function (Ctrl+F). There is also a session index in the back of the program. The program includes a full … Read more